Saturday, September 10, 2016

Standard vs. Quick Response Sprinkler Heads

Standard vs quick response sprinkler heads is an on going debate. Let's see which one is better for the occasion and how they work. 

Each fire sprinkler system has ability to control fire based on six different characteristics. These main characteristics include temperature rating, orifice size, thermal sensitivity, special service conditions, water distribution and installation orientation. In addition to these, there are two different types of sprinkler heads that you are able to choose from. Different types of sprinklers are especially designed for different types of buildings, so you have to know which type of fire sprinkler head your building requires. 

The fire sprinkler heads are divided into two categories: standard fire sprinkler heads and quick response fire sprinkler heads. Both of the fire sprinkler head types are chosen for protecting a property effectively. The question is how to choose between these two? How to pick the fire sprinkler heads suitable for your place? First, take a closer look the main differences between standard and quick response sprinkler heads, how are they primarily used and then you will know how to make the right decision.

Standard Fire Sprinkler Heads

The standard sprinkler heads are designed to pre-wet the materials around the fire. This helps in removing the fuel source. Soaking the surrounding area by the standard sprinkle heads slows the fire and it buys critical time until the fire department comes and extinguishes the fire. Slowing the fire is also a good prevention for the fire spreading around in other areas of the building. These types of sprinkler heads are individually activated which means that only sprinkle heads directly above the active fire will activate.

Quick Response Fire Sprinkler Heads

The quick response fire sprinkler heads are primarily used and applied for light hazardous situation, like in schools, health care facilities, assisted living facilities and office buildings, where there is a quick response needed. These types of fire sprinkler heads have similar fire control application to the standard ones, but they’re designed with a bit different focus. Quick response sprinkler heads are able to discharge water higher up on the ceiling in order to stop the fire from climbing up the walls Also, they can keep and maintain lower ceiling temperatures which cools the ceiling, reduces the possibility of flashovers and provides bigger odds of survival and evacuation of the people in the building.

The Differences between Standard and Quick Response Fire Sprinkler Heads

The main and biggest difference between these two types of fire sprinkler heads is their activation temperature. As the name applies, quick response fire sprinkler heads activate a bit more quickly than the others. Another important difference, which by the way is physical, is the bulb size. The smaller the bulb is, the quicker the response time. Standard sprinkler heads have a 5 mm glass bulb filled with glycerin-based liquid, while quick response sprinkler heads are made with 3 mm glass bulb and thus, they are quicker to respond to the headed room. This fact implies that it’s better to install quick response fire sprinkler heads, but you should note that there are some other things to be considered. For example: the ceiling height, the ambient temperature throughout the whole year and the size of the area you want to protect. No matter what type you choose, we are here to install it for you and maintain the system whenever needed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How Do Fire Sprinklers Work?

With a proper installation of a grid of pipes, with sprinkler heads fitted at regular intervals, your property is safe from fire. But how do fire sprinklers actually work?

You’ve already have seen this in many movies, where a small amount of smoke activates all of the installed sprinklers in the building, soaking everything or everyone inside with water. 
The biggest myth related to fire sprinklers is that the smoke activates them. Actually, this is false, as fire sprinklers get activated because of heat.
Another common misconception is that all sprinklers get activated during a fire, but that’s not the case. The sprinklers get activated one at a time and most of the fires require only one or two sprinklers to stop it. 
If these myths were true, fire sprinkler would do more damage than good. 
Sprinklers Feature Smarter Design
Luckily, the fire sprinkler systems are smartly designed to reduce the damage to your property from water, fire, and smoke. Now, let’s see how the fire sprinklers actually work.
As we already said, any property covered with a grid of pipes can be protected. The pipes have sprinkler heads placed into them at regular and measured intervals. With pumps from a water tank, the pipes get filled with water. The fitted sprinkler heads operate only in the case when the temperature goes higher than initially programmed. 
When the temperature reaches the maximum, the sprinklers spray water all over the area with fire. The thermal element in the sprinkler head is typically triggered by the hot gasses from the fire. Only the fire sprinklers in the near fire area get opened and the other ones remain closed. 
The closed sprinklers ensure that there is no water applied in areas where the fire hasn’t reached and reduces the amount of needed water. 
To ensure a sufficient water flow, the fire sprinkler heads are usually placed on the ceiling. The water flow is precisely calculated so that there’s always enough to control the fire. The most important specs are the size of the property and its construction. Additionally, stuff stored in there and their use are also important.
Sprinkler heads are also a good protection where fires can start without anyone notices it. They are usually spaced on the roof, into floor ducts and even in storage racks in large warehouses. On the spot where the water enters the fire sprinkler, there is a valve. These valves can turn off the fire sprinkler system for maintenance. They need to be locked and closed only by an authorized person, for safety reasons. If the fire sprinkler head opens and the valve lets the water through, the water flows into another pipe and causes the mechanical gong to make a sound. In such a way the fire sprinkler system does not only extinguish the fire but activates an alarm at the same time. 
Also, note that fire sprinkler systems can do their function with proper equipment operated independently with an electrical supply.